Closer Look Home Inspectors | Home Inspection 507-721-2018



What is an energy audit? You’d be surprised at how many people are unable to answer that question! Home energy audits are detailed home examinations that determine:




  1. Where and how energy is being lost in a home.
  2. Which systems in the home are operating inefficiently.
  3. Which cost-effective measures can be put in place to make the home more comfortable, affordable and energy efficient.

A general energy audit is also known as an energy assessment, standard energy audit or detailed energy audit. It expands on the home energy survey by collecting more detailed information regarding the home’s energy usage, as well as a more thorough financial analysis of its energy costs.

The general energy audit also includes diagnostic testing using specialized equipment called infrared camera. These tests are done to determine:

  1. The location and number of air leaks in the building envelope.
  2. How much leakage is occurring from HVAC distribution ducts.
  3. How effective is the insulation inside walls and ceilings.
  4. Any existing or potential combustion safety issues.

A home energy auditor will conduct a whole-house evaluation including a computer software analysis to identify and prioritize proposed treatments for improvement. This is followed by a detailed report providing suitable retrofit recommendations and specifications.

Closer Look Home Inspectors | Home Inspection 507-721-2018